Facing Out Art Sessions at Maggie's / by Lucy Burscough

A very important part of the Facing Out project offers Maggie's Centre visitors, people with a cancer diagnosis and their family and friends, a chance to get involved in arts and crafts activities and experience the benefits to well-being that creating together can bring. These are delivered as six week blocks interspersed with the sessions delivered by Manchester Museum and The Whitworth. The art sessions are kindly funded by a donation to the centre and was very much appreciated by those who took part.

We managed to have a conversation that could have been quite upsetting, but because we had the willow to work on we could focus on that when we needed to and it helped us to get through the conversation without being overwhelmed
— Workshop participant

The workshops were a mixture of crafts and art and as such there was something for everyone, including those who insisted that they couldn't draw a stick man!

Maggie's workshops winter 17.jpg

The workshops were well attended with some sessions seeing as many as thirty participants having a go. It was a great pleasure to work together to have fun, ignite our creative sparks and end up with some beautiful objects and smiles on our faces!